Torino Napoli fined 9 thousand euros due to reasons disclosed to the club

Torino football club has been fined €9,000 by the Sports Judge following their match against Napoli. The penalties are linked to two separate incidents during the game.

The first €7,000 fine is due to a section of Torino fans hurling abusive chants towards Napoli supporters. In addition to this, two bottles were thrown onto the pitch during the first half, according to the official announcement from the Sports Judge.

The statement reads, “A fine of €7,000 to Soc. TORINO for having its supporters, at the 25th minute of the second half, directed an insulting chant at the supporters of the opposing team; also, during the first half, two bottles were thrown into the field of play; sanction attenuated ex art. 29, comma 1 lett. b) CGS.”

The second penalty, a €2,000 fine, is due to the club who were held responsible for an unjustifiable delay of about two minutes to the start of the second half.

The official statement adds, “A fine of €2,000 to Soc. TORINO as an objective responsibility, for having unjustifiably delayed the start of the second half by about two minutes.”

The fines highlight the ongoing issues within football relating to fan behaviour and game management. Torino, who are yet to comment on the fines, will be expected to address these issues to avoid further penalties in future. The referees and match officials will also continue to monitor the situation closely.

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