Torino Buongiorno Claims Staying with Toro Was the Right Choice

Alessandro Buongiorno, defender and captain of Torino, has revealed in an interview with Walter Veltroni for La Gazzetta dello Sport, on the inner workings of his life in the Torino team.

Discussing the market offers from previous clubs including Atalanta, Buongiorno said, “The President Cairo and I spoke a lot in those days and we found it was the best decision to stay. I am content and happy here. We know as a team, we have to rely on a sense of unity. We are an orchestra, not a group of soloists. This is my Torino, my ‘great’.”

Buongiorno also discussed his impeding return to the pitch. “We are almost there, I’ll return soon. Fortunately, the shoulder injury has allowed me to train my legs, to run. But it’s not enough anymore. During therapies, I sometimes kicked a rubber ball. I miss the field, staying with my teammates, and playing.”

While speaking about his game, Buongiorno expressed that fun is essential. “Being a footballer is not just a job, it is a passion that has to do with the child in you. As a child, I always had a ball in my hand, in the house, in the garage, everywhere. And whenever I could, I played. Soccer has always made me feel good.”

Addressing his aspirations to join the national team at the Euros, Buongiorno opened up about his preparations. “I’m doing everything to recover in time. I know being strong isn’t enough for the national team. They, rightly so, look for quality individuals and team players. I am hoping to make it, intensifying my training not only for the Torino jersey but also for the national team.”

Talking about Torino’s coach, Juric, he said, “Juric is a tough coach, expecting a lot from the team. When we met him, we were not accustomed to this intensity of training and gameplay. Now, we understand his style of football and are trying our best to apply it. I don’t know where we can end up, but definitely as high as possible.”

Finally, the defender joked about his unusual name. “Throughout my life, I have endured the greeting ‘Buongiorno, Buongiorno’ every morning. I was initially somewhat offended, but now it is something I joke about. I have even invented a coffee celebration. The ‘Buongiorno’ coffee,” declared Buongiorno.

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