Terracciano’s Agent: Can’t Confirm Departure from Verona Until Matters are Finalised

Andrea D’Amico, the agent of Hellas Verona’s defender Filippo Terracciano, has recently weighed in on his player’s future, speaking to Italian media platform, Radio Bruno.

D’Amico declared, “I have not been to Viola Park, I understand the moments of the transfer market but I can confirm not so much the contacts, but a lot of interest. Whoever takes Filippo ensures four players in one, he can play many roles even though I am convinced that on the right he could become a champion. Things are concrete only when there is a signature, I cannot say that he will leave Verona without things being done.”

From his words, it is clear that D’Amico is confident about Terracciano’s future and his versatility as a player. However, he made it evident that nothing is concrete, as the player’s transfer will only be confirmed once the signature is down. Yet, he did allude to significant interest for Terracciano, hinting at possible movement in the future.

His comments add new layers of anticipation to Verona’s upcoming season, as fans wonder whether they will see Terracciano make his mark with the club or bid their farewells to him sooner rather than later.

It is an intricate dance that is yet to unfold, with D’Amico’s only conclusive statement being that things are not yet set in stone for Terracciano at Hellas Verona club.

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