Sampdoria’s Bertelli: Injuries are expected in a contact sport like football

Sampdoria’s fitness coach, Paolo Bertelli, has opened up about the injury concerns plaguing the club this season. His comments were given to Il Secolo XIX.

Bertelli provided his view about the team’s physical fitness, “If one analyzes the number of games played in the last two years, we go from a medium/low level to a few. Either because of injuries or perhaps because they weren’t used due to technical choices. These are added difficulties. It takes time. In football, physical preparation is not just filling up the barn, it’s an outdated and unscientific concept. It’s about consolidating performance based on what you have. Certainly, this team, with the same coach, the same players, in the same environment, will start next season from a higher step.”

When inquired about the injury woes, Bertelli explained, “We try to do the best we can, but there are many variables to performance, so something always happens, not just to us. Soccer is a contact sport and injuries are a part of it. We’re fortunate in having a group that always trains intensively. So, there will be contacts, strong running, and there may be injuries. We all wish injuries did not happen. In football, injuries do occur. Not to mention the injuries that are beyond any prevention or prediction.” He referred to incidents like the one where Ferrari’s foot slipped on the ball injuring his knee, and Borini, whose tendon could tear at any moment and unfortunately it did.

Discussing the challenges since summer, Bertelli pointed out, “We only finalized our team after the transfer window closed, following the first match. This was then followed by the first international break, and another two weeks of absences. It was a new situation with almost all new players. Only Ravaglia, Murru, and Yepes had played the entire previous season with Sampdoria. And from my point of view, I started training with one group and almost a different one when the season began. Despite not starting well, we haven’t really been completely outplayed in any match. The confidence between us and the team has never been lacking. People on the outside only see the results, but we can’t only focus on that, but on the work carried out each week. We saw continuous growth, not coinciding with results, five points in the first 10 games. Despite losing to Catanzaro, the data shows a clear improvement in physical condition.”

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