Sacchi: Too many foreigners at Milan makes things difficult

Former AC Milan and Italy National Team manager, Arrigo Sacchi, has offered his thoughts on Milan’s current season in an interview with Corriere dello Sport.

Sacchi has stated, in clear terms, that the performance of the Rossoneri this season has been marked by excessive inconsistencies. He cites a surplus of foreign players in the team as one of the primary reasons for such imbalances.

Sacchi told Corriere dello Sport, “There have been too many ups and downs. In addition to the injuries, I believe that another cause is the many foreigners in the squad. It is not easy to assemble a team with few Italians. There needs to be a period of adjustment to Italian football for everyone.”

However, Sacchi believes that when the Milan performs as a team, it can defeat any opposition. According to him, the key to overcoming their issues rests heavily on the mental state of the players, and thus an increased focus must be placed on psychological preparation during training sessions.

The former Milan tactician also hinted at the likelihood of new reinforcements arriving during the transfer window, as well as injured players steadily returning to the fold, contributing further to the strength and depth of the squad.

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