Sabatini press conference: Ready to strive for this team, deceptive ranking

Walter Sabatini has been re-introduced in a press conference by Salernitana, notes tmw.

During the press conference, Sabatini said, “I’m ready to put in the hard work, because Salernitana is worth it. The love of the fans has given me so much and I want to thank the President for giving me a second chance.”

Sabatini went on to share that his excitement about returning to the team was so high that it felt like he needed oxygen. He revealed that he first felt positive about a possible return when he began to see initial signs of it happening.

Sabatini also said, “I have many things that I want to do. Simple, yet direct. It’s the people who want to make it difficult. Children have fun when they play, we must also succeed in thinking of sport as something easy.”

He also praised the current team, denying claims corroborated by the team’s rank that it is a weak side. “This is not a weak team as the ranking suggests. There are values, those who have built it have not made serious mistakes, and many of these players are ones I would have chosen too,” Sabatini stated.

The sports manager further defended both De Sanctis and Iervolino, reassuring that they have not made any grave errors. “What is missing is cohesion, which is a difficult situation to create. But it will be created, over time, by the coach and myself. We need to be responsible and do what we haven’t done till now even though we have played good games,” Sabatini mentioned.

He stressed the importance of daily hard work and passion towards the game.

“I will expect a lot from the team. Soon, I’ll be speaking in the changing rooms, but I wanted to share a message with the people of Salerno today,” said Sabatini. He then repeated how he has no intention of letting the team slide into degradation, “I repeat: I don’t want to be relegated.”

In closing, Sabatini said, “I don’t live off illusions or dreams. I’m a realist. But I want to save, Salernitana must stay in Serie A. If not, it will be a personal failure of mine.”

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