Russia confident: “Progress with UEFA, we will be readmitted”

Mikhail Gerchkovitch, a member of the Russian football federation, has commented on the possibility of Russia rejoining UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) competitions. Gerchkovitch was speaking to RIA, the Russian press agency, about Russia’s decision to refuse a switch to the Asian Confederation.

According to Mikhail Gerchkovitch, “The matter of transferring to the Asian Confederation was discussed. We unanimously voted against it because there’s no guarantee from FIFA. We’ve decided to continue engaging with UEFA, especially seeing as there’s progress.” This hints at some potential positive moves forward for Russia’s football federation and their standing within UEFA.

It can be inferred from Gerchkovitch’s comments that the Russian federation is keen to reaffirm its commitment to UEFA, backing this up with a unanimous vote against making the move to the Asian Confederation, mainly due to the apparent lack of guarantees or assurances from FIFA regarding the switch.

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