Rome: Financial Guard conducting checks on Totti

The Italian Financial Guard has launched a fiscal examination targeted at the former captain of Roma football club, Francesco Totti.

According to reports by ANSA, Italy’s leading wire service, this is a routine procedure. The Financial Guard undertakes such scrutiny every year against companies, professionals like lawyers or notaries, as well as artists and athletes.

ANSA reported, “There is no criminal file, but Totti was notified last Wednesday of a forthcoming fiscal administrative procedure that will open in the next few days. He will have to provide the required documents and based on these papers, the actual verification will begin. For now, no visit to the barracks is expected, but it might occur in the coming months.”

The nature of these checks is to ensure that all required documents are prepared and ready for inspection. Just like any other professional, Totti is expected to cooperate fully with this procedure. Whether this will involve a visit to the barracks in the future is yet to be determined.

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