Pescara’s Sebastiani says Zemanlandia hasn’t returned, it never left, highlighting need for balance

Daniele Sebastiani, president of Pescara, spoke in today’s edition of Il Messaggero about the current state of the Abruzzo club.

In his address, Sebasitani emphasized, “Zemanlandia has not returned, as it had never left. Balance is needed in the judgments – we were not poor before and we are not phenomenal now.” The president of the Abruzzo formation highlighted the current mix of talent within the squad, mentioning the abundance of young players and calling for patience as the team begins to find its stride.

Speaking on the team’s future, Sebastiani was quoted in Il Messaggero saying, “New partners? We are working on it steadily, to look calmly at the future there is a need to strengthen the company or replace the current representatives with people who have greater potential.” This statement reflects a commitment to seeking strategic partnerships that can contribute to a promising future for the Pescara club.

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