Pescara Coach Zeman Condition Revealed Following Collapsing Incident

Pescara’s official website has announced that the club’s manager, Zeman, suffered a minor health scare before a routine training session with the team.

The statement read, “This morning, before the usual training session, Mister Zdenek Zeman experienced a slight malaise, which was later discovered to be a mild transient ischemic attack. As a result, he was admitted to the Pierangeli Clinic in Pescara.”

Pescara FC added, “The Delfino Pescara 1936 wishes to communicate that the coach’s conditions are currently good and stable, but he will have to be absent for a few days for further examinations.”

It remains undisclosed when Zeman will return to his duties as the team’s manager. All eyes will now be on how his squad will perform in his temporary absence.

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