Parma’s Bernabé: We Aim to Rise to Serie A and Make Fans Proud

Adrian Bernabe, a player for Parma, recently discussed the team’s 2024 objectives with Sky Sport.

“We ended 2023 strongly and we hope that 2024 brings us just as much satisfaction and success,” said Bernabé.

Bernabe emphasised the importance of the team’s performance over individual accomplishments, revealing that even though he made several assists this season, they “count for nothing if the team isn’t doing well. Even scoring 20 goals means little if we don’t reach our goals”.

The footballer expressed satisfaction with his reception at the club since his arrival. “From the moment I arrived, I felt immediately welcomed and I’m very happy working with [the coach, Fabio] Pecchia,” he conveyed.

Bernabe also expressed his hopeful aspirations for the team’s advancement. “I had hoped that this would be the right year. We aim to rise to Serie A and make our fans and the club proud”. The direct quotes are from Bernabe’s interaction with Sky Sport.

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