Parma, Pecchia: A draw that’s worth more than a victory

Parma can hold its head high, maintaining top spot in Serie B due to a hard-fought draw against Palermo. This hard-earned point held particular importance, given that the Crusaders managed to claw their way back to a 3-3 draw with two goals occurring during injury time. These statements were supplied post-match by Parma’s coach, Fabio Pecchia.

Speaking of the draw, Pecchia admitted, “We conceded two late goals in Florence, there are many similar instances. It would have been a crime to lose, but at the 90th minute we were two goals down, that’s a fact. But I saw an aware team that dominated and remained lucid.” He further shared his elation at witnessing the eruption of joy at the Tardini, expressing how delightful it was.

Commenting on the quality of Matteo Brunori’s goal, Pecchia said, “He made a great left-footed goal. I’ve seen Matteo score two fantastic goals. He is talented in the box and can play with both feet.” However, coach Pecchia urged for more lucidity, thereby avoiding such nail-biting situations. He admitted that despite a third goal having the potential to secure the match, the determination to chase the game was rewarded.

Regarding the equaliser stance holding weight equal to a victory, Pecchia opined it holds even more value for him. He highlighted the importance of building upon such performances. Overall, the coach had a positive perspective on the game and showed confidence in his team for future matches.

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