Napoli’s Raspadori: We can win if we play as a team

In the build-up to the much-anticipated clash against Juventus, Napoli’s forward Giacomo Raspadori spoke to DAZN about his expectations and strategies for the game.

Raspadori expressed an overall positive sentiment about his current performance this season. As he quoted, “Consistency comes from training”. He emphasized the importance of working on individual skills as well as collective performance to achieve the desired outcomes.

On the tactics required to take home victory from the Juve stadium, Raspadori emphasises unity and collective efforts. “With a group performance, if we are a united front, we will be able to do our duty”.

Through these statements, it’s clear that Raspadori values teamwork over individual prowess. His focus is on the sustained daily effort—both from him and his teammates—that will eventually translate into noteworthy achievements. The Napoli striker, with his confident statement, certainly brings a promise of an exciting match against Juve to come.

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