Napoli’s Politano: Home victory return was crucial

In a recent interview with DAZN, Matteo Politano, the striker for Napoli, spoke about the team’s recent victory against Cagliari.

Throughout the match, he noted that Cagliari posed a significant challenge. In his words, “Cagliari put us in difficulty. Osimhen is an important player for us, he wanted to get back to scoring. We are happy for him but most importantly for the win.” Politano expressed, as sourced from his DAZN interview.

Politano seemed pleased with his current form and hopes to score in the upcoming matches. In his statements, he remarked, “I am trying to always give my best. I am happy to have this continuity, hoping to score some more goals.”

He further credited the coach for instilling enthusiasm in the team, which he mentioned was missing due to certain past results. “Our coach tried to bring enthusiasm that was missing a bit since results were lacking. We are slowly getting it back, we must continue like this,” Politano stated.

Talking about their approach, Politano explained that the team is taking it one game at a time. “We have always thought match after match. However, the championship race is still long – we will fight till the end for the Scudetto,” he said.

Looking ahead, he acknowledged that the upcoming match against Roma will be a tough one, but before that, they have to focus on the Italian Cup match. As quoted, “The match against Roma will be a very difficult head-to-head battle, but first, we must think about the Italian Cup match.”

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