Napoli’s Juan Jesus: We are Slowly Regaining Confidence

Ahead of Napoli’s Champions League clash with Braga, defender Juan Jesus and head coach Mazzarri held a press conference to share their thoughts on the forthcoming match.

Juan Jesus acknowledged the recent three-match losing streak while highlighting the positive aspects, “Tomorrow we’re playing for a lot – advancing in the Champions League. Despite the recent losses, we have been gradually improving, showing signs that we’re reverting to our old form.”

The defender recognised that the team had gone through a difficult period, “Three months ago, we were champions of Italy. Today, we are going through some tough moments. The boys are young, and I am the oldest here. However, we played a good game against Juventus. What we’re missing are wins and plenty of goals for peace of mind.”

He identified a lack of goals and wins as the main issues hampering Napoli’s success. “Lately, we haven’t been as sharp as we were in previous seasons. But with patience and the work we’re putting in, we will get back on track, as we have been creating opportunities and sending out important signals. We need the right kind of serenity, winning games at home can foster confidence; in ourselves and our supporters.”

Jesus also commented on head coach Mazzarri, “I’ve known him for a long time.Jesus praised the coach’s effort and discussed the need for the team to rediscover their individual qualities. Mazzarri has succeeded in instilling a change that can already be perceived on field. However, we need to ensure we maintain that momentum, not just for 50 minutes but 80, as we did against Juventus.”

Commenting on recent changes Jesus said, “A lot has changed for us, the club, and our fans. After winning following a 33-year drought, expectations naturally rise. We need to boost our conviction, and trust in football, where everything tends to pivot negatively when you lose. However, we must remain calm knowing that the bad times will pass.”

Finally, speaking about the upcoming match, Jesus viewed Braga as a good, well-organised team. “Regardless of the outcome, we want to play well and give our all on the pitch. It’s a crucial game that we will approach with this spirit.”

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