Napoli’s D’Agostino: Azzurri now forced to win in Turin

Former midfielder Gaetano D’Agostino has shared his thoughts on the current situation at Napoli during an interview with Vikonos Web Radio/Tv.

D’Agostino expressed his worry over Napoli’s recent match outcomes. “Napoli is now obliged to overthrow Turin,” he stated. He was referencing the club’s upcoming fixtures in the wake of their heavy loss against Inter.

He further implied that defeating Juventus is a challenge that Napoli simply cannot afford to lose, given the current circumstances. His words hinted at the paramount importance of this match for Napoli’s Champions League aspirations.

D’Agostino suggested that Napoli not only needs to win, but to “overthrow Turin” in order to stay close to the Champions League battle. This vivid phraseology attests to the intense pressure that the Naples-based club is currently under.

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