Napoli’s Cajuste halts: updates on the conditions

Napoli football club has announced that midfielder Jens Cajuste sustained an injury during their match against Juventus.

A statement from the club revealed, “Following the match in Turin, training resumed this morning at the SSCN Konami Training Center. The team is preparing for Tuesday’s match against Braga, scheduled to take place at the Maradona Stadium for the sixth round of the Champions League.”

According to the report, players who had participated in the match at Allianz Stadium engaged in recovery training in the gym. The rest of the squad took part in various warm-up exercises and aerobic workouts.

Additionally, specific football possession exercises were conducted, concluding with a mini-match on a reduced-sized pitch.

“Mario Rui carried out individual training on the field. Gollini stayed home as a precautionary measure due to minor flu-like symptoms,” the report stated, directly quoted from Napoli’s training report.

The club reported that Jens Cajuste performed individual training in the gym due to a knee distortion injury suffered during the match. The extent of Cajuste’s injury has not been officially confirmed yet. The club is likely to provide more information in the coming days.

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