Napoli, Osimhen’s Agent: I’m Proud, the Future is Yours

Victor Osimhen’s agent for Italy, Roberto Calenda, took to Twitter, to praise the Napoli striker for winning the African Ballon d’Or.

Calenda was quoted on Twitter saying, “Congratulations Victor for winning the Caf award as the best player of the year. I’m proud of you. It’s a recognition of the great work done.” He also added a positive note for the forward’s future saying that this wouldn’t be Osimhen’s last award as the future is his.

Calenda’s words not only reflect his pride and admiration for Osimhen but also point towards the high expectations for the striker. As he mentions, this achievement is not the first and certainly will not be the last for the talented player.

The African Ballon d’Or victory is a significant milestone in Osimhen’s career, validating his status as one of the top African footballers. Under Calenda’s agency and with a bright future ahead, the Napoli striker is undoubtedly one to look out for in the coming years.

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