Napoli, Garcia hangs in the balance: the latest

The atmosphere at Napoli is far from serene, with President De Laurentiis reportedly disappointed after the draw with Union and Garcia’s position hanging in the balance. De Laurentiis is said to be in need of answers from the team and the coach, which is why the blues can no longer afford to make mistakes. This was reported in Le Cronache di Napoli.

According to the source, De Laurentiis stated, “I need to see the team and the coach step up and deliver. We cannot afford any more slip-ups.”

The report also suggests that Garcia’s future at the club is uncertain, with the president demanding a swift turnaround in performances from the team.

An unnamed source within the club stated, “The tension is palpable, and the pressure is mounting on Garcia to reverse the situation quickly.”

The upcoming matches will be crucial for Napoli and Garcia, as they look to appease the president and turn their season around.

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