Napoli-Cagliari football match start may be delayed

An unexpected incident occurred at the Diego Armando Maradona Stadium before today’s match between Napoli and Cagliari. Strong winds in recent hours have reportedly torn away a section of the stadium’s roof and domes, causing significant damage and creating organizational difficulties.

The opening of the gates, originally scheduled for 15:30, was delayed while awaiting authorization from local police, which is yet to arrive. The severe weather conditions strongly disrupted the planned schedule for the Serie A fixture. The management is in constant liaison with local authorities to ensure public safety.

Concerns about player and spectator safety took center stage as the stadium administration and local law enforcement worked swiftly to address the damage. The extent of the disruption caused by the wind, while significant, did not result in any reported injuries. A comprehensive assessment of the situation continues in order to make a decision about the start of the match.

Given the complex circumstances, the start of the Napoli-Cagliari game is currently postponed until further notice. The local authorities are making all necessary efforts to resolve the issue and make sure of the stadium’s readiness.

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