Muriel: Honoured to be in Atalanta’s history, discusses game against Milan

In the lead up to the forthcoming match between Atalanta and Rakow, Atalanta’s hitman Luis Muriel shed light on his goals for the season and his journey at the club thus far in a press conference.

Muriel emphasized his aspirations for the season, “My aim is to help the team, give my contribution. Everyone expects goals from me upfront; the more I score, the better it is for the team – this is my objective.” He expresses his eagerness to assist the team and his fellow mates whenever afforded the opportunity.

The Colombian striker also discussed his journey with Atalanta. He stated how proud he feels of writing the history at a club like Atalanta and climbing positions in the scorers’ leaderboard. Muriel made it clear that he holds the team and his role in it in high regard.

Regarding their recent transition from Torino to Milan, Muriel mentioned that they were aware of the fantastic opportunity. He remarked on the resilience of the squad, asserting, “After Torino, we knew we had a great chance for redemption. Over the years, the team has been quick to respond, which is typical during such a season. This team doesn’t give up. We want to fight; we are strong and showed our spirit last Saturday”.

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