Modena, Bianco: “Samp out of Serie A, Pirlo will have a great career”

Modena’s coach, Paolo Bianco, spoke at a press conference ahead of the Serie B match against Sampdoria. According to Bianco, “Sampdoria is a strong team built to occupy positions in the standings different from the current one. They are growing and have players of a higher category as well as a coach who will have a great career.”

Bianco also mentioned that “They play with the 4-3-2-1, we will have to adapt and play our game. We face a difficult match, we are ready and full of awareness. Since July, I have been emphasizing the attitude that the team must have, in B it is very important.”

The Modena coach seemed confident in his team’s readiness for the challenge. “We have trained hard and we are prepared for tomorrow’s game,” said Bianco. “The team understands the importance of the match and we are determined to give our best on the field.”

Bianco’s words highlighted the importance of the upcoming match for Modena and the team’s determination to face the tough competition. The coach’s emphasis on the team’s attitude and readiness demonstrated their focus and commitment as they prepared to take on Sampdoria in the Serie B showdown.

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