Brassier is Milan’s Plan B if Buongiorno Doesn’t Sign

AC Milan’s pursuit for a backup option in their defensive squad leads them to Lilian Brassier, positioning him as the primary alternative to Torino’s Iacopo Buongiorno, as reported by Tuttosport. This follows AC Milan’s unsuccessful efforts to acquire Torino’s captain, with Urbano Cairo’s defence appearing unshakeable. As Cairo asserts, “Buongiorno will not be leaving Turino and is not for sale.”

In light of these developments, Milan has been forced to reassess their strategy, turning their attention to the Frenchman. The player has reportedly convinced Milan’s technical area, but it’s his current club, Brest, who are proving a tougher nut to crack. Brest has rejected Milan’s proposal of a burdensome loan with a right of redemption, and instead, the French club is demanding a transfer fee of around 12 million euros.

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