Mazzarri criticises VAR: It fails to protect us, is misused

Former Napoli manager, Walter Mazzarri, has weighed in on the game between Napoli and Torino during a press conference. His comments drew attention to the use of Video Assistant Referee (VAR) technology and his sentiments for the new player, Mazzocchi.

Mazzarri expressed his satisfaction with Mazzocchi: “I’m glad for his addition. He’s eager to make a difference”. He then proceeded to asses the opposing squad, making particular note of the formidable attacking duo, Zapata and Sanabria.

However, he seemed displeased about the use of VAR. “It’s ugly to see that with all the tech we have, fouls can be noticed from afar on a player. This is evident on Osimhen, on Kvara. When Kvara reacts slightly, he’s the one who gets booked,” said Mazzarri, adding with a hint of nostalgia, “Otherwise, we return to my time when the strongest player would get elbowed and the referee wouldn’t see.”

The source of this direct quote is from Mazzarri’s press conference before the Napoli-Torino match. These comments may stir a debate on the use of VAR and how it impacts the fairness and flow of the game. The former manager certainly feels that the technology is presently not being fully utilised to ensure fair play.

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