Masini on Fiorentina: Italiano is doing a tremendous job

Well-known singer and ardent Fiorentina supporter, Marco Masini, reportedly discussed the current state of Stefano Italiano’s squad on Radio FirenzeViola.

In a year that Masini described as “surprising”, he commended the manager for his strategy, which has kept Fiorentina competitive despite not having any notable stand-out players. He claimed that the team seems to be keeping pace with other prominent Serie A clubs such as Milan, Roma, and Napoli.

“This year has been the wrong year for me as a pure fan because I’ve been on tour for a long time and this evening we will end the year with Panariello in Livorno, but in the next few months, I will be able to follow the team,” Masini stated during the radio program.

The singer went on to highlight the team’s struggle to produce flamboyant plays, possibly due to the absence of finesse players like Bonaventura. “In Florence, we are used to champions like Baggio, and if there were more effective players on the outside, the attackers would also have some added strength, given that they now play as wall-passers. This type of work was a little done by Sottil,” Masini noted.

Masini’s comments reflect the expectation for high-quality football in Florence and the need for Italiano’s squad to strive for significant achievements and rankings.

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