Lavezzi Case: Brother’s Scathing Outburst – ‘Enough Nonsense!’

Diego Lavezzi, the brother of former professional footballer, has used social media to express his anger over recent rumours regarding his sibling. A harsh and very direct message was clearly aimed at silencing rumours about the alleged drug addiction and supposed hospitalisation of the ex-Argentina international, also known as Pocho.

A statement quoted from Diego Lavezzi’s post said, “Stop inventing nonsense. Respect him and the family. Hospitalised, what rubbish! Let’s talk about our country that’s in a really bad state right now!” His comments were a clear rebuke of the rumour spreaders, urging them to focus on more pressing national issues.

This statement, along with the rest of the original post in Italian, passionately defended Lavezzi, noting that the speculations were unfounded and disrespectful not only to ‘Pocho’, but also to the entire family. The source of the quote is the social media post by Diego Lavezzi.

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