Juve under new investigation over 2022 budget: the latest updates

The Public Prosecutor’s Office in Rome has initiated a new investigation into the 2022 financial statements of Italian football club Juventus, as reported by Adnkronos. On 7th of December, Juventus had received a request for the acquisition of documents related to these financial statements. The club had learnt that investigations were pending at the Rome Prosecutor’s Office against company representatives for violation of civil code article 2622 (“false social communications”) concerning the financial statement as at 30th June 2022. The club has indicated that it is not under investigation itself.

Yesterday, the Rome prosecutor’s office concluded its investigation into Juventus’ finances after transferring case files as ordered by the Court of Cassation on 6th of September, which declared that Turin lacked geographic competence over the case, ordering the transmission of files to Rome’s public prosecutors. After acquiring these documents and conducting further investigations, the prosecutors notified of the conclusion of the investigation, under clause 415 bis, to the individuals under investigation. This inquiry, initially started in Turin before being moved to Rome, also involved former executives of Juventus.

The various charges levelled include stock market manipulation, obstruction of oversight and false invoicing. Particularly, the accusations hypothesised fictitious capital gains and manoeuvres on footballers’ wages during the Covid pandemic.

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