Inter, Zhang and the title race

“Zhang, despite not being in Milan, is very close to the team and the goal is clear: to bring Inter to the second star,” reported La Gazzetta dello Sport. According to the source, the president is in constant contact with the club and the players to make his presence and support felt during this positive moment.

The report indicates that Zhang’s efforts to stay connected with the team despite not physically being in Milan shows his commitment to leading Inter to success. The president’s dedication to the club and the players is evident in his ongoing communication with them.

“Zhang’s determination to bring Inter to the next level is clear,” stated the source of La Gazzetta dello Sport. The president’s clear goal is to guide the team towards achieving their second star, and his involvement in the team’s progress is evident even from a distance.

This ongoing support and involvement from Zhang has reportedly had a positive impact on the team’s morale and determination to succeed. Despite physical distance, the president’s presence and dedication remain a driving force for Inter.

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