Inter, Marotta hits back: Claims of favouritism? We’re first by merit

Beppe Marotta, chief executive of Inter Milan, has addressed the ongoing controversy regarding presumed officiating favouritism towards the Italian club. Marotta spoke out at a recent Serie A Assembly, addressing the media present.

He made it clear that criticisms are a part of Italian football and must be accepted. Engaging with questions about the use of the Video Assistant Referee (VAR), Marotta said it had been “hailed by all”. He further stated that VAR was not introduced to eradicate refereeing mistakes but to reduce them.

Regarding whether Inter Milan was unfairly benefiting from refereeing decisions, Marotta adamantly rejected such accusations. He responded: “Far from believing that Inter is influenced by favouritism, I send these questionable statements back to sender.”

He defended the club’s position, attributing its success to a strong team and hard work. According to him, Inter is deservedly at the top of the Serie A, referring to their current standing as “winter champions” as a Phyrric victory. He added, “What counts is being first in May. Now we definitely are.”

Marotta admitted that refereeing errors had occurred in other matches too. Emphasising his four decades worth of experience in football, he stated that every year there is talk of favouritism towards particular clubs. He asserted that such controversy, even with the use of VAR, is part of the game.

He concluded his remarks with a metaphor, stating: “Today we are the hare and the hare should be able to dodge the hunter’s shots.”

While Marotta didn’t shy away from addressing the controversy, he made it clear that Inter’s focus remains on their on-field performance and eventual league position at the season end. His statement remains an assertive dismissal of any claims of referee bias favouring Inter Milan.

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