Huijsen Hints at Uncertainty Over Joining Juve or Roma, Says Outcome Remains Unpredictable

Juventus-owned defender Dean Huijsen, who is currently on loan at Roma, has discussed his future in football with La Gazzetta dello Sport.

Huijsen mentioned, “I have two older brothers who don’t play football, I attended an international school and started playing soccer. Things went well and when I was of age, the Dutch national team came calling. I couldn’t say no, given my origins. However, I’ve always had Spain in my mind. I grew up here. The switch of national teams was my own decision, if it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be here. How did the Netherlands react? With fair play. They were upset, they regretted losing me, but didn’t make a fuss.”

On his transition from Juventus to Roma, he said, “It’s something that doesn’t happen very often. Honestly, I didn’t think too much about it. The opportunity presented itself and I seized it.”

Huijsen admitted being unsure about why he didn’t get game time at Juve. He said, “I don’t know. All I know is when they offered me to go to Roma, I liked the idea very much, because it’s a great club and then if someone like Mourinho calls you, it’s hard to say no. I thought if they were calling me it was because they had a need. Then the rest I achieved. Every minute played is the result of work and sacrifice.”

Speaking on his time in Roma, Huijsen stated, “Yes and I think that’s a good sign. It’s what I was referring to when I talked about achievement. I quickly adapted to the change, also because they are two exceptional technicians and people. I’m surrounded by great teammates; I enjoy it, I learn. Yes, we’re doing well, let’s see where we can get to. The goal is obviously the Champions.”

On his future, he added, “Well, Roma has no purchase option. However, from football I’ve learned one thing, you never know what can happen. The only certainty is that I will return to Juve and make myself available. It’s the first big club that believed in me, I can only have words of gratitude.”

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