Gasperini after Milan-Atalanta: We aim to win the Cup, brands Di Bello as rude

Atalanta’s head coach, Gian Piero Gasperini, has spoken out after his team’s Coppa Italia match against Milan, during a discussion with Mediaset.

Gasperini voiced his frustrations with the Video Assistant Referee (VAR), stating it appeared to be turning into a “war” between VAR and AVARISTI—a term often used to refer to those who are excessively greedy in using VAR. The Coach expressed his discontent with Maresca, the games’s referee, “I asked to go to the VAR, that’s true. Maresca is very rude, at the end of the game he passed by without even greeting me.”

However, he also emphasised his focus on resetting for the next game. “I always reset everything and start each game from scratch,” says Gasperini.

When asked about Atalanta’s chances of securing a Coppa Italia title, a positive Gasperini responded, “Atalanta, in its history, has let a lot of things go. We have reached the final in the Coppa Italia twice, if the matches align, you can get there and play for it. We will do everything to reach and leave a trophy. Victories like the one tonight count as trophies.”

Discussing Atalanta’s maturation since he began coaching for the club, Gasperini credits the stability and tactical acumen brought about by the mid-field and defense. “It’s a different team, only De Roon is left. We’ve changed a lot this year. We have a young goalkeeper, a young attack. We have a solid midfield-defence core, tactically we know how to face all types of formations and teams.”

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