Frosinone, Di Francesco flags numerous absences, comments on Mazzitelli

Frosinone’s head coach, Eusebio Di Francesco, has offered his insights ahead of the team’s upcoming match against Lecce.

Di Francesco revealed some challenges his team faces as they prepare for the contest, particularly in terms of injuries. He said player Mazzitelli will not be ready in time for the match. “He is still working separately from the team,” Di Francesco revealed at a press conference. He added that hopes are high for Mazzitelli to return to face Juventus.

The Frosinone manager also mentioned player Monterisi, who has yet to rejoin team training. “We’ll see how he’s doing tomorrow,” Di Francesco said. Despite facing an injury at the end of the first half of their last match, Monterisi soldiered on for the full 95 minutes. His ankle was in a state that would put most players out of action, yet he managed to put in a solid performance.

Di Francesco praised Monterisi’s grit and loyalty to the team, saying, “I commend him for his grit and sense of belonging. He also played a good match.” Clearly, the Frosinone team’s strength and spirit will be tested in their upcoming match against Lecce, but with leaders like Di Francesco at the helm, they are ready to face any challenge head-on.

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