Franco Ordine: Leao doesn’t deserve jeers, here’s why he gets them

Franco Ordine, a renowned journalist for Corriere dello Sport, has weighed in on the recent whistles directed at Milan player Rafa Leão by the disgruntled Milan fans.

Ordine states that despite Leão delivering an unconvincing performance against Sassuolo, the jeers were unwarranted. “He did little to earn applause but not jeers,” Ordine is quoted as saying in Corriere dello Sport about the Milan forward.

Offering an explanation for the fans’ dissatisfaction, the sports writer suggested that the footballer’s recent controversial social media post aimed at his critics could have fueled the negativity. According to Ordine, Leão would benefit from less focus on social media and more devotion to Milan, echoing a piece of advice given to him by Maldini once before.

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