Fiorentina’s Pradè: Pleased to finish first half of the season in fourth place

Daniele Pradè, the sporting director of Fiorentina, has publicly addressed the team’s recent loss to Sassuolo.

During the club’s official statement, Pradè expressed, “It’s unfortunate because we wanted to give a moment of joy to our fans.” This was followed by an admission that the team’s performance in the first half was subdued but improved noticeably in the second half.

Although the team conceded a goal within the first 9 minutes, Pradè praised the team for not crumbling under pressure. “We never really suffered,” he added.

Expressing satisfaction, Pradè revealed, “We are happy to have finished the round in fourth place. However, we have to reset because there’s a very important match on Tuesday.”

He urged his team to keep their heads held high despite their recent loss and called for the squad to learn from their mistakes. Pradè reiterated the importance of bouncing back stronger, especially with the eventual return of their injured players.

The sporting director ended his comment optimistically, stating, “We will continue to stand our ground.” No doubt, these words from Pradè serve as an attempt to boost the morale of their players and fans as they navigate through the rest of the season.

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