Fiorentina’s Kayode: Juve rejected me at 14 years old

Michael Kayode, the Fiorentina’s full-back, has shed light on his start to the season with the club in a conversation with La Repubblica.

Kayode revealed that at the age of 14, he was told he wasn’t physically ready for his football career. Although he wasn’t built like he is now, he felt he wasn’t that bad. Today, he has set lofty goals for himself and the club.

“As of now, with Fiorentina, my aim is to get into the Champions League. We have an excellent team. I also want to win a trophy for Florence, like the Conference League,” said Kayode as quoted by La Repubblica.

He expressed his ultimate dream, “My greatest ambition includes the national team: I’d love to be part of Spalletti’s group for the next European Championship. However, my biggest dream is to win a World Cup.”

Clearly, Kayode has outlined ambitious plans for his career both in the club and at the national level, setting the bar high for his future performances.

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