Fiorentina, two bids submitted for Franchi stadium refurbishment works

Renovation work continues on the Stadio Franchi according to plan, home of Fiorentina football club. The city of Florence has announced, through an official statement, that it has selected two bids that will compete for the contract of the stadium’s refurbishment.

The official statement reads, “The project’s sole manager will today appoint the judging committee. As already stated in the competition notice, the committee will open the technical bids online tomorrow at three in the afternoon. Only those who have submitted a bid can attend this session. The committee will immediately start evaluating the technical offers.”

Once this phase concludes, a date will be set to communicate the scores assigned to the technical offers, as well as opening the financial bids. Subsequently, the best offer will be identified and the procurement office can proceed with administrative checks in preparation for awarding the contract. The statement reminded that this should be finalised by 31st December 2023.

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