Fiorentina, Galli at the Franchi: “Do not renovate that eyesore”

Giovanni Galli, a regional councillor for the Lega party in Tuscany, has given his opinion on the potential restructuring of the Franchi stadium in Florence. Speaking to La Gazzetta dello Sport, he expressed strong opposition to the proposed plans.

He stated, “Ristrutturare così questo stadio… Sarebbe un obbrobrio, anche se venisse completamente coperto. Per me è un disastro, si buttano via i soldi e non si risolve niente.”

Galli’s comments centered on his belief that the renovation plans for the Franchi stadium would be a waste of money and ultimately ineffective in addressing the stadium’s problems. He was particularly critical of the idea to attract tourists with the stadium’s architectural appeal, stating, “Franchi vincolato? Rido perché è stato pure denominato ‘ad alta attrazione turistica’, ma non ho mai visto turisti giapponesi o cinesi venire a farsi le foto con quest’opera architettonica.”

In addition, he proposed an alternative approach to the issue, suggesting, “Credo si dovrebbe abbandonare l’ipotesi che questo impianto possa servire per il calcio. Si dovrebbe ristrutturarlo di sana pianta e poi realizzare uno stadio, nuovo, da un’altra parte, attraverso un bando.”

His comments have sparked further debate and discussions, as stakeholders consider the best path forward for the future of the Franchi stadium. The potential restructuring plans are now under increased scrutiny in light of Giovanni Galli’s strong opposition to them.

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