Feyenoord fan club president: We deserve to go on the road to Rome

The president of the Feyenoord supporters’ association has made an appeal to UEFA, voicing his concerns ahead of their away match against Roma.

In an interview with Tuttosport, the president of the association representing the organised Feyenoord fans expressed his hopes for the Dutch side’s upcoming visit to Italy.

His words were clear, “We hope that UEFA can use its influence on the Italian government. Feyenoord fans have behaved very well lately; we deserve to be able to travel to Italy.”

He is urging UEFA to intervene, following recent good behaviour from the Feyenoord supporters which he believes should be rewarded with the freedom to follow their team abroad. His comments suggest strong faith in the fanbase’s conduct and a hope that this commendable behaviour will be acknowledged by the governing bodies.

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