Di Biagio: Inter is the strongest team and I believe they will ultimately win the Scudetto

Former Italian footballer and professional coach, Luigi Di Biagio, recently shared his thoughts on the Serie A title race at the fourth edition of the national football award “MM7”.

Speaking at the event, Di Biagio praised Inter, “Inter is the strongest team and I think they will eventually win the title.” Adding to this, he expressed uncertainty about the latter half of the season, stating, “The only doubt is to see what could happen in the second part of the season, but Inter has the best squad, they have bench players who are starters.”

Turning his attention to Napoli, Di Biagio said it was predictable that building a team from scratch would not be easy. Currently, coach Mazzari is at the helm attempting to steady the Naples-based club.

When speaking about AS Roma, Di Biagio noted that their first eleven is second to none, however he added that the depth of the squad plays a crucial role in the title race. The words of the former Italian international underline the importance of a strong and balanced team in a hotly contested Serie A season.

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