Cutrone: “At Como I found the peace I was missing”

Patrick Cutrone, Como’s forward, spoke to Sky Sport about his current moment in the Serie B championship. Cutrone expressed his satisfaction and mentioned how he has found the serenity that was lacking in previous years due to various loan spells. He admitted to going through difficult periods, personally connected to his father, but now he is happy. Cutrone also revealed exciting news about his personal life, mentioning that he recently got married and they are expecting a child.

In regards to the team’s performance, Cutrone acknowledged that apart from Sunday’s game, they have been performing well and demonstrating their strength and solidity. He expressed his contentment with how things are progressing for the team this season.

Cutrone said, “Ho ritrovato la serenità che mi mancava” (I have found the serenity that was lacking) in a post-match interview with Sky Sport. He also mentioned, “Siamo partiti bene, tralasciando domenica, stiamo facendo bene e dimostrando di essere forti e solidi, sono contento di come stanno andando le cose” (We started well, aside from Sunday, we are doing well and showing our strength and solidity, I am happy with how things are going).

This news comes as a positive update for Como and their fans, as Cutrone’s form and off-field happiness can contribute to the team’s success.

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