Costacurta: Uncertain if Leao is Milan’s leader, but…

Former footballer, Alessandro Costacurta, has shared his thoughts on the current situation at Milan and the performance of Rafael Leão in an interview with Sky Sport.

Costacurta reflected on Milan’s recent struggles by stating, “There are people who are comfortable in difficulty and there are people who are not. I believe this is the issue. Milan has lost a lot of confidence and losing it has also lost what Pioli calls magic.”

He further turned the spotlight on striker, Rafael Leão, vaguely alluding to the inconsistent performance of the player. The Italian legend suggested, “Sometimes one has to try to do something so that the team perceives an attitude from its leaders. Is he the leader of this team? I do not know, but if he wants to become one, he must do something more.”

Costacurta’s comments present a case for Milan and Leão to navigate their current challenges and echo the sentiment that more effort is required from key players during testing times.

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