Bologna welcomes back Orsolini for a different session today

Bologna FC have announced that striker Riccardo Orsolini has returned to training, according to the club’s official media update today. However, his training regimen will be differentiated from the team’s.

The team is prepping at Casteldebole for their upcoming match at Arechi. Under the management of Thiago Motta, the team has been engaging in technical and tactical drills.

Alongside Orsolini, Kevin Bonifazi, Tommaso Corazza, Lorenzo De Silvestri, Oussama El Azzouzi, and Jesper Karlsson, are also following individual training plans.

No elaborate details were provided concerning the exact nature and impact of these differentiated training methods. The fans would be eager to see their striker back in action soon. However, cautious steps are being taken considering the long season ahead.

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