Bologna, Lykogiannis: ‘Europa? We must stay focused…’

Bologna defender Charalampos Lykogiannis has spoken about the team’s goals in an interview with Radio TV Serie A.

“I am very happy, we are having a good season and we want to continue like this,” said Lykogiannis. “Now we are preparing for the match on Sunday in Florence, which will not be easy. I am eager to do well.”

When asked about the possibility of reaching Europe, Lykogiannis said, “I don’t want to think about Europe now, we want to stay grounded and focus on doing our best game by game. If Bologna makes it to Europe, I will dye my hair red and blue.”

Speaking about his relationship with Bologna coach Thiago Motta, Lykogiannis said, “I have a great relationship with Thiago Motta: we are doing well as a group. He is a great coach, just as he was a great player; he is very smart in managing the team and makes us work a lot, we have to keep going like this.”

“It was very important to talk to Thiago Motta this summer,” Lykogiannis continued. “He told me what he thinks of me and I tried to prove my worth by continuing to work for this team.”

Those were the words of Charalampos Lykogiannis, Bologna defender, on the goals of the rossoblù team. This news comes as the team shifts focus to their upcoming match in Florence.

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