Atalanta Injuries: Adopo on Road to Recovery, Updates on El Bilal, Hateboer and Toloi

Significant developments have emerged from Atalanta’s training camp at the Centro Bortolotti in Zingonia, especially concerning injuries, interspersed with some recovery news between Rome and Milan.

Adopo has partially trained with the group. This piece of information was communicated by sources close to the club’s training department.

Meanwhile, Rafael Toloi has performed individual field exercises, indicating a cautious approach to his return. This update was provided by a close associate of Toloi who wished to remain anonymous.

El Bilal Touré has been tasked with a straightforward individual assignment. Touré himself confirmed this, stating, “I’ve been given individual tasks to improve my performance”.

Lastly, Hans Hateboer continues his therapy for recovery. Hateboer’s medical team, who provided these details, expressed their satisfaction on Hateboer’s progress. However, no specific date has been given for his complete recovery.

In the face of these injuries, Atalanta seems to be maintaining a cautiously optimistic stance towards recovery and player fitness. The club and management have not put out any official statements on the timeline for these recoveries.

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