Ambrosini: Excessive negativity surrounds Milan

Former AC Milan player, Massimo Ambrosini, has expressed his surprise at the wave of negativity surrounding the club in an interview with La Gazzetta dello Sport.

Ambrosini pointed out that the supporters’ attitudes seem to have changed drastically this season. “There’s too much negativity around Milan? Yes, I’ve noticed it too. It surprises me, I’ve always been used to dealing with fans who reasoned in a certain way. It’s shocking to see how the people have become detached,” said Ambrosini in the interview.

Despite the difficulties faced by the team last season, Ambrosini felt they still performed to a certain level. He also expressed his surprise on how the environment changed drastically after winning the Scudetto (Italian Championship), stating that the benefits brought by victories are not unlimited in football. The former AC Milan player appears to be referencing the struggles the team faced despite their recent victories.

Massimo Ambrosini played a significant role in AC Milan during his career, and his comments reflect his deep concern about the team’s current situation.

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