Adani on Frattesi: He needs time at Inter

Former footballer and now pundit, Lele Adani, commented on Inter Milan’s midfielder Davide Frattesi during the “La Domenica Sportiva” broadcast on Rai Sport.

Adani praised Frattesi’s recent performance against Verona. He suggested that despite not being stronger than the three midfielders on the field, Frattesi played a significant role in Inter’s progress, and this was evident during the final of the Champions Cup.

In Adani’s words, as conveyed in the Rai Sport’s program: “Frattesi? Inter’s midfield made it to the Champions’ Cup finals on merit. He comes from Sassuolo and it is likely that he will have a transition year because he is not stronger than the three midfielders. He needs time, patience and he must work and grasp the moment, as done with Verona.”

It appears that according to Adani, Frattesi, although not yet at his prime, demonstrates potential for great success and contribution to Inter’s in future, provided he continues to work hard and seize the opportunities set before him.

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