Adani: BoboTV was a rock band, Vieri betrayed it but he’s more hurt than me

Former footballer and television pundit Emanuele ‘Lele’ Adani has spoken candidly about the acrimonious end of his stint with Bobo TV.

In an interview with Italian daily Il Messaggero, the former Inter Milan player shared his views regarding his controversial exit. He portrayed the clash with fellow pundit, Christian ‘Bobo’ Vieri, as a bitter online feud involving stories, behind-the-scenes revelations and a power struggle.

Adani made it clear that he felt betrayed by someone he once considered a friend. The former defender is quoted as saying, “The most serious thing I cannot forgive is the betrayal of a friend. I sacrificed a part of myself for the greater good, saving Bobo TV about forty times. It was something that put everything together: the value of friendship. Someone has proven not to deserve it. Four strong personalities, crazy people to put straight. Bobo TV was a rock band”.

He also launched a broadside at Vieri, stating, “This way of being and betraying harms those who do it. Those who must live with betrayal, if they have a bit of conscience, are more hurt and damaged than those who have suffered it”.

Adani who built a reputation as a thoughtful and opinionated pundit during his years at Bobo TV, left the channel in November unceremoniously. He suggests that the channel’s end came as a surprise, and resulted from the undermining of a friendship that had been consolidated over time.

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