Acerbi on Asllani: Strong player, but everything depends on him

During an upcoming interview for ‘Che fatica la vita da bomber’, Inter Milan’s defender Francesco Acerbi shared his opinions about his teammate, midfielder Asllani.

According to Acerbi, Asllani often proves to be a challenging presence on the pitch. He said, “Asllani? He can be frustrating in the middle. He is a great player, although he needs to improve in a sense he knows very well.”

Acerbi further highlighted Asllani’s future potential, emphasising the midfielder’s importance to the team and his potential role in upcoming challenges. He suggested, “He needs to mature and build his career because he has significant potential. It’s up to him to utilise it.”

Acerbi seemed to express his pleasure at playing side by side with Asllani throughout the year and engaging in crucial games together. He added, “I am pleased to meet people with whom I play all year round and face them in a challenge which is very important there.”

These statements were made ahead of Acerbi’s full interview, revealing a sense of camaraderie among the Inter Milan team members. More on this story can be found on InterNews24.

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