Abodi: Respecting Gravina’s resignation is just an opinion

The Italian Minister for Sport, Andrea Abodi, has commented on the betting controversy in Serie A and the position of Gabriele Gravina. The issue has arisen after calls from Italy’s football league for Gravina to step down.

Abodi stated, “The league’s view on Gravina’s resignation is an opinion and as such should be respected”. His response comes from a stance that sport roles and their independence should be safeguarded. He pointed out that this is not to say that the world of sport is outside a system that also answers to politics.

While the controversy is centered on an idea, it is part of the game, conveyed Abodi indirectly. He emphasized the importance of substantiating considerations with content. He also suggested that there are several themes to address as the system needs to be examined thoroughly.

Significantly, in a year’s time, the FIGC (The Italian Football Federation) elections will be held. According to Abodi, that will be the context where sport decides what the positions are from the point of view of sports politics. He subtly hinted that this impending event would be a more appropriate platform for taking such crucial decisions.

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