Abodi on the Rome derby: “The danger of antisemitism is always there”

Andrea Abodi, the Minister for Sports, has expressed his concerns about the upcoming Rome derby in Serie A. Speaking at the ceremony for the delivery of diplomas for the Master Sbs, Abodi discussed the potential risk of antisemitism during the match between Lazio and Roma.

He stated, “I hope there is no danger of antisemitism for the Rome derby. The danger is always there, not only during the game. Especially in these times, we can see the danger manifesting in cities, with behaviors and even writings, so there is a cultural issue that evidently needs to be overcome.”

Abodi continued, “We thought it was a topic we could leave behind, but instead, it is a topic that needs to be systematically addressed and monitored, investing in culture, education, and information. This means working in schools and intervening where necessary to prevent a sense of normality or impunity.”

These strong words from the Minister for Sports highlight the broader societal issues that can manifest in football matches, emphasizing the need for ongoing efforts to combat discrimination and intolerance in all aspects of society.

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